To solve the problem…

Getting Help When Things Go Wrong
is set as the
paper type, but the printer
does not use the optimal
paper mode.
The paper may be marked,
scratched, or wrinked.
The Automatic Paper-Type Sensor is less
accurate if the paper is damaged. Make sure
the paper is free of marks, scratches, or
The paper may be letterhead
or stationary with a perprinted
pattern at the top edge.
• The Automatic Paper-Type Sensor always
sets this type of letterhead or stationary to
Plain Paper.
• Manually select the appropriate paper type.
See “Paper Type/Quality” on page 10.
The paper may be dark in
color or contain metallic
• The Automatic Paper-Type Sensor may set
this type of media to Plan Paper.
• Manually select the appropriate paper type.
See “Paper Type/Quality” on page 10.
is set as the
paper type, but when
preparing to print, the
printer ejects a blank sheet
of paper.
The printer may have been
placed in direct sunlight,
which affects the Automatic
Paper-Type Sensor.
Move the printer out of the direct sunlight.
Binding margin appears in
the wrong place when
trying to do Two-Sided
You may have selected the
wrong paper orientation.
• Make sure you have selected the correct
option in the
panel of the
Print dialog box. See “Layout” on page 10.
Is there a problem with your printout? continued
What is the problem?
Possible cause
To solve the problem…

Getting Help When Things Go Wrong